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Data Connections Blog #9:  AI Regulation – Stuffing the AI Genie Back into the Bottle? 

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Note:  Once again, Microsoft Image Generator was used to create the image for this Blog.  Any resemblance to other Genies or old men, real or imagined, is unintentional.
[1] Meta, TikTok and other social media CEOs testify in heated Senate hearing on child exploitation:

[2] Possible TikTok ban could be 'an extinction-level event' for the creator economy:
[3] The meaning and origin of the expression “the genie is out of the bottle”: from Grammerist:  “things cannot be restored to the way they were before. The negative, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle, is also often used to mean what has been done cannot be undone. The expression the genie is out of the bottle is derived from Arabian mythology that was introduced to the West with the publication of One Thousand and One Nights, a collection of Middle Eastern folk tales published in English at the turn of the eighteenth century. The expression the genie is out of the bottle did not become popular until the 1960s and may be related to the advent of the nuclear bomb.” bottle/#:~:text=When%20the%20genie%20is%20out,advent%20of%20the%20nuclear%20bomb.
[4] Can’t Afford a Lawyer? AI Might Be the Solution (Podcast): tech, like AI, is poised to make healthcare more accurate, accessible and sustainable:
[5] The International Organization for Standardization describes standards as: “… a formula that describes the best way of doing something…. Standards are the distilled wisdom of people with expertise in their subject matter and who know the needs of the organizations they represent – people such as manufacturers, sellers, buyers, customers, trade associations, users or regulators.”
[6] See for example:; and regarding export controls on computers used in missile launch.
[7] European Commission Report on the AI Act:
[8] Though attempts were made to address both of these concerns, they nonetheless persist:
[9] [11] EU AI Act Risk Categories: Each Category Explained:
[10] See note 8 above.
[11] To address concerns over the lack of detail on what exactly “data quality” means, the constant refrain from the EU regulators is that “standards need to be developed”.  However, to date, we have heard much about this seen little tangible progress (see starting just before minute 20 at this link:    
[12] Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence:
[13] See note above.
[14] See note 12 above.
[15] The US government does $600 billion in annual procurement spending:,markets%20for%20goods%20and%20services
[16] 16 states have AI laws, most of them to curb profiling:,use%20of%20AI%20in%20profiling.
[17] First-of-Its-Kind AI Law Addresses Deep Fakes and Voice Clones:

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